Optimized Title Tag

28-12-17 Course- SEO

The title tag is to define the title for the page that will be displayed in the web browser's title bar while reaching the page. It should be within the <head> </ head> tag The title tag is the best place for your tag. Below the syntax we insert our keywords (Seo tutorials for beginners) inside the title tag

Title Tag For SEO


<title>SEO Tutorial for Beginners</title>

Several points to well optimizing title tag.

  • A title tag should must be 50 to 60 character
  • Put your most important keyword.
  • Avoid duplicate contents to put as a keyword
  • Every page have unique title

There should not be more than 9 words or 60 characters with your keywords used in the very beginning of the title in the title. Since Google is looking for relevant keywords in the title, it means that you should not include your company name in the title unless your company name is very well known.

Tips for creating titles:

  • Each page should have a unique title.
  • Try including your primary keyword phrases in each title of each page.
  • Start the title of your home page with your primary keyword phrase, then choose your best secondary keyword phrase.
  • Use more specific specialties in your primary keyword phrase on your specific product, service or content pages.
  • If you have to include your company name, keep it at the end of the title.
  • Use the best form, plural or singular for your keywords based on the search of keywords based on what WordTracker says
  • Do not overdo it - repeat your keyword twice the title - 3 times in the headline
  • Make sure <title> tag is the first element in the <head> section of your page - it makes it easy to find by Google